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If you encounter problems with the app, please go through the following quick fix checklist first, this might resolve your issue right away.

Quick fix checklist

Follow the checklist in order, explanations for each step are below.


  1. Check if the device is plugged in. JK 😂
  2. Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
  3. Check the system status and make sure that the App server is operational.
  4. Refresh data.
  5. Completely close and re-open the app.
  6. Clear the browser cache.

Internet connection check

Unfortunately, Journalistic currently requires a stable internet connection at all times to work properly. We are already working on full offline support, but it might take a bit.

You can check your internet connection by visiting in your browser.

System status check

We try to keep the app operational at all times, but sometimes there are glitches and our servers go down. If the app is down, we're probably already working on bringing it back up. In this case, please just have some patience and wait until the system is operational again. The monitor automatically notifies us if there is an incident.

Refresh data

Sometimes, data stored on the device gets corrupted or becomes outdated if a new version is released. To refresh the data from the server, open the menu and click Refresh data. This might also help if data somehow disappeared on a device or is not in sync between devices.

Re-open the app

This mainly applies to mobile devices. To completely close the app, open the task switcher (typically swiping up from the bottom) and swipe it out to the top of the screen. This ensures that the device is really completely closing the app. Then re-open it and see if it worked.

Clear the browser cache

As a last resort, try to clear the browser cache. Since Journalistic is a Progressive Web App it shares its cache with the browser. You might want to check the documentation of your browser to see how that works (e.g. clear cache and cookies for Google Chrome).

It should be sufficient to clear the cache for the domain

Here is a short walk-through from our YouTube channel to show how this works on mobile:

Known issues

Entries not saving

Unfortunately, due to the current system architecture, Journalistic requires a stable internet connection to save entries and items. An unstable connection might lead to changes being lost. We are already working on a better architecture to enable full offline support for Journalistic. In the meantime, please always make sure that you have a stable internet connection when writing your journal (see quick fix checklist #2).

Blank screen

A blank screen is also most likely caused by an issue with the internet connection of your device (see previous issue).

Frequent logouts

There are currently some hiccups with the authentication system that might require you to sign in more often than necessary. We are aware of this problem and are working on it.

Android app just opens the browser

Journalistic is a Progressive Web App (PWA) and published in the PlayStore via a Trusted Web Activity (TWA) wrapper. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work well if you do not have Chrome installed on your device. If you encounter problems, please install the PWA ( directly from the web via your browser (see our Installation Guide).

Problems with iOS

There have been some issues with old iOS versions where the app just doesn't open anymore after an update. What happens is that the device refuses to update the service worker and keeps loading an outdated version.

Unfortunately, we do not have a solution for this problem yet, besides updating iOS to a more recent version.